News and special offers From your campsite in South Corsica

Go on holiday in Corsica for a low, low price!
Book your stay as a couple, as a family, in a group or with friends and take advantage of the special offers and exceptional discounts offered by the PERTAMINA Village resort and its 4-star campsite U-FARNIENTE in Bonifacio.

You can also catch up with all the latest news from the Resort in Bonifacio on our website. We make sure to mention all the events, good deals and unmissable outings in the local area.

  • plage palombaggia

    -30% off your stay in April and May Take advantage of an exclusive offer

    Book now and get 30% off your stay in April and May.
    Offer valid for bookings made until 15 May, for a stay of 4 consecutive nights.

    Check out our special offers directly on our booking system!

Réalisation : ESE Communication - Photos et plans non contractuels - Mentions légales - Politique de confidentialité
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